Known Programming error, Limitation and Current development
There are few programming error (bugs) that has been found since the release of Image2Punch version 7.0.0. At the present, I have solved the programming errors. The minor update has been released and will be free for all those who are currently use Image2Punch Pro or Lite version 7.0.0.
Run in Administrator Mode
Image2Punch may required you to Run in Run As Administrator Mode. This is especially true when you install Image2Punch for All Users. In order to enable this Mode, you need to consult with your Computer Administrator at your company. From Image2Punch (Pro) version 7.2.0 and above, you can also install for a single user only where the Apps will be kept in a share folder. This Mode will not require you to run the software in Administrator Mode. However, other user ( different login) will not be able to use/run Image2Punch.
Compatibility with Windows Security System and other 3rd party software
Image2Punch can only be used and run in an Independent/ Standalone Windows system PC. It cannot be installed in a server and run via networking, or a virtual system. When you try to install in a server, or in a virtual Windows system, the licensing management will not work properly and may crash Image2Punch. Image2Punch and its licencing system are designed and developed only for a standalone PC.
In few cases, The licencing system of Image2Punch will have a problem with your other software such as PC Monitoring software (ie. Black Carbon), or a security/antivirus software (such as Norton or Eset). If this happen, you may discuss with your PC Monitoring software provider, or with your Software Admin people to solve this problem. Sometimes, the solution is to let your security software that Image2Punch is not a malicious program.
Minimum Gap Tolerance and Perforated pattern Tool Position
Due to rounding error when doing computation, there will be tolerance limit for Minimum Gap that is specified for all uniform pattern ( i.e. Rectangle, Angle, Circular and Spiral ). The tolerance for the gap will be +/- 0.001 Unit Measurement. For example, if the Minimum Gap is specified as 2.0mm, the final result when the distance measure in DXF file will be in between 1.999mm and 2.001mm.
Illustration shown below have 2.0mm as the minimum gap for rectangular pattern. However, when we measure the minimum distance between two holes, we can see a variation dimension, but those are within the target tolerance.

Here is another example with the 60 degree angle pattern where the minimum gap is 2.0mm. Again, the variation for minimum gap is within the target tolerance which is +/- 0.001 Unit Measurement.

This minimum gap tolerance maybe be acceptable as the ranges are less than many CNC machine tolerance ( around +/- 0.01 inch or around +/- 0.1 mm ). However, for each project will have its own acceptable tolerance for their machining and the project and so it is a good idea to refer to your own machine manual. If the tolerance must met higher accuracy, Image2Punch will not be suitable for your project.
As for the non uniform spacing perforated pattern such as Random patterns and stippling atterns, the Minimum Gap is only used as a guidance.
I am trying to fix/ rectify this rounding complication in the future if possible. For the time being until further notice, this limitation will be exist in Image2Punch and user needs to be aware, especially if they want to have more precision tolerance for their own project.
DXF Import for Custom Tool
Image2Punch Pro and Lite can use DXF file format which is saved in AutoCAD DXF version 2000. The parsing algorithm used within Image2Punch is only recognizing basic entity. They are; Circles, Lines and Arc. Other entity will be ignored. The (0,0) Coordinate will be used as the center of the tool. The DXF geometry has to be clean and clear without any overlapping and intersecting between all the three basic geometry as this can be wrong during the parsing.
Display error for Inclination Pattern Angle in Rectangular Pattern Type (fixed and updated released)
This programming error displays incorrect pattern formation when user using inclination Pattern Angle feature. Therefore, the DXF result will be different from what is actually display on the screen. This error will be fixed when I release the minor update for all Image2Punch software.

Display error for Inclination Pattern Angle in Angle Pattern Type (fixed and updated released)
This error is similar as above and will be fixed when I release the minor update for all Image2Punch software.

Quality improvement when saving the pattern as an image (fixed and updated released)
A quality improvement of the perforated pattern when it is saved as an image has been asked by few Image2Punch’s users. I am currently modifying the program and implement some additional coding to improve the detail of image quality. This improvement will be include in the next minor version.
Using Special Characters for tool naming creates problem in AutoCAD software.
Using special character like “\”, “|” or “/” are not acceptable for some CAD system such as AutoCAD ( in its latest version). I suggest to use common character in naming the tool. For example if we want to name 1/2 inch Diameter, it will be better to use ” 0.5 INCH ROUND TOOL” instead of ” 1/2 INCH ROUND TOOL“. From the illustration below, it is better to change the tool name in the red circle in the same format like other tools in Round Tool Database.